The Mohseni Foundation and the editorial staff of the new series of Between Us celebrate the publication as the harbinger of a new chapter in the history of the Mohseni family!

The first issue of Between Us, a vanguard of genealogical magazines in Iran, was published by the Mohseni Foundation in Winter 2000, to great acclaim. Thirty-two issues of Between Us, with the late Ali Asghar Mazhari Kermani as its editor in chief, saw the light of day till the Spring 2011. The ar- chive of this publication records the history and legacy of the Mo- hseni family, in the form of prop- erly researched and well documented articles, for the benefit of future generations.
The Mohseni Foundation and the editorial staff of the new series of Between Us celebrate the publication as the harbinger of a new chapter in the history of the Mohseni family, which strives to strengthen the ties of kinship and affection that bind the family and to provide a platform for keeping in touch and abreast of each other’s achievements.